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Bitbucket Update Build Status
An Azure DevOps Pipeline plugin to still using on-premises Bitbucket Server/Datacenter instances, this plugin let you define the build result for commits checked during a job executed in an agent by invoking the Bitbucket API.
How to use this plugin
Install this extensión on your Azure DevOps organization to let you select this functionality during the job definition. https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=pablotoledo.bitbucket-commit-status
Create a generic service connection in your Azure DevOps project using the URL of your Bitbucket Instance and the credentials (user and passwd/token).
In your pipeline, search the marketplace for the task with name "Bitbucket Server Commit Status".
Fill in all parameters required.
How to contribute
Fork this project
Install required software npm install -g tfx-cli
Make your changes
Execute the command npx tfx-cli extension create
to create a .vsix file
Upload the .vsix file to the Azure DevOps Marketplace
Test the extension and create the pull request
This work is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
For a copy, see https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT .