JavaScript / TypeScript Editing Extension PackSix extensions that improve the JavaScript & TypeScript editing experience in Visual Studio Code. Learn more in this blog post. GitHub CopilotGitHub Copilot suggests code completions for your current editor position. The suggestions it generates range from short statement completion to full functions and classes. PrettierPrettier is an opinionated code formatter that many JavaScript and TypeScript projects use. It can format JavaScript, TypeScript, JSON, HTML, JSX (React), CSS, and more. quick-lint-jsquick-lint-js is an excellent alternative to ESLint when you primarily want to check for code correctness. It provides a fixed set of rules for TypeScript and JavaScript and is extremely fast. Code Spell CheckerCode Spell Checker helps you spot and correct typos early. P42 JS AssistantP42 JS Assistant provides automated code actions and suggests refactorings that make your code more readable and modern. Error LensError Lens shows the diagnostic messages on the same line in the editor, saving you time and keeping you in the flow. |