(ZScript is used in zBrush to automate tasks and script workflows.)
Intelligent autocomplete
Provide valid zcommand name
Provide the valid variable type
Provide auto complete for command that require path (ex: <zscriptinsert, "myScript.txt">)
Provide routine definition comment
Provide routine definition arg type
Provide window path (new in 1.4)
ZCommand Signature
Display information about each command argument (type, description)
Provide information about a symbol when hovering it.
Display all the variables in the file.
provide goto declaration functionality
Variable has type.
Loop insert a loop command snippet.
If insert a if command snippet.
IfElse insert a if else command snippet.
RoutineDef insert a routine definition snippet.
RoutineDef1 insert a routine definition with one arg snippet.
Adding type for routine Definition
You can specifiy the type of your routine definition optional argument to have a better signature and help the autocomplete displaying the good variable type.
Support for zscriptinsert
Autocomplete will display variable defined in the inserted file.
ZScript: Web Doc Open the zscript documentation web page in your browser
ZScript: Web Command Reference" Open the zscript command reference web page in your browser.
ZScript: Install File Icon Display the zbrush icon for zscript files.
ZScript: Uninstall File Icon Remove the zscript icon display.
Color support
Future implementation
Color Provider
Implemented in 1.1.0 Some command require hexadecimal color (ex: 0xffffff). It is quite hard to know what the color is without looking somewhere else. Hopefully visual studio offer to provide color picker with ColorProvider.
Linter implementation
Implement a linter to display some potential error.