Typescript UMLGenerate diagrams of your typescript and javascript files. FeaturesOpen a diagramOpen the file to diagram and press alt+shift+t to open a new diagram window. Search for a nodeHit Ctr+f and start typing to search for a node by name. Enter button/click the node to select. If the node is not in the viewport the diagram will be pan to bring that node into view. View Details on specific nodeClick a node or edge to see more details about it
Hit esc to close element info Hide nodesClick the node's name to toggle its visibility in the graph. Go to the declaration of the node in the code fileRearrange the nodesClick and drag nodes to move them. Undo/Redo changes to the graphStandard hotkeys ctr+z ctr+y will reverse or replay: node moves, node selections, node hide/show and resets of the node layout. Pan and zoomArrow keys will pan and ctr + -, ctr + = will zoom in and out Save/open diagramsCtr+S/Ctr+O to save the diagram to disk. Included in the save file are
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