💡 Idea
A meta language to express and transform your ideas to reality.
It all starts with an idea...
This is an example idea schema.
model Product @label("Product" "Products") @suggested("[name]") @icon("gift") {
name String @label("Name")
@is.required("Name is required")
@list.detail @view.text
image String @label("Image")
@list.image({ width 20 height 20 })
@view.image({ width 100 height 100 })
description String @label("Description")
@list.none @view.text
currency String @label("Currency")
@filterable @default("USD")
@is.ceq(3 "Should be valid currency prefix")
@list.text @view.text
srp Float? @label("SRP")
@min(0.00) @step(0.01)
@field.number({ min 0.00 step 0.01 })
@list.price @view.price
price Float? @label("Offer Price")
@min(0.00) @step(0.01)
@field.number({ min 0.00 step 0.01 })
@list.price @view.price
"Ideas are worthless without execution" - Many People
To transform an idea, you need to plugin a transformer like the
following example.
plugin "@ossph/idea-typescript" {
ts true
output "./src/types.ts"
// ... your idea ...
// model Product ...
You can use other ideas, just import them like the following example.
use "./another.idea"
// ... your idea ...
// model Product ...
To execute an idea, you just need to run the following command.
$ npx idea -i my.idea
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