🏠 Homepage WARNING !!!This is a beta release. It may contain bugs and problems. Please be patient while using it and report back any problem you have encountered to https://github.com/orcun-gokbulut/qml-debug/issuess Thank you for using Qml-Debug Beta. DescriptionShort Description: QML Debuger for VSCode. Detailed Description: Debug Adapter Protocol (DAP), which is used by Visual Studio Code to interface with various debuggers, implementation for Qt QML debugger. https://microsoft.github.io/debug-adapter-protocol/ UsageRight now only attach mode debugging is supported which means you have to launch your application (by hand or through another Visual Studio Code launch configuration) and then attach Qml Debugger. This limitation will be lifted in future releases. Qml Debug will eventually gain the ability to launch your application. Attach ModeAttach mode attaches Qml Debugger in the already running application instance. Sample launch.json Configuration:
Configuration Properties
Mapping Virtual paths to Physical PathsIn order to Qml Debuger find your source code, you should have one or more path matching options in your configuration. These mapping tuples are contained in configuration's path property. Example:
Launching Your ApplicationIn order to debug your Qml based application in attach mode you have to start your binary with debug parameters;
These parameters will instruct Qt to load necessary debugger plugins and extensions. On launch mode Qml Debugger extension will add these paramters automaticly but in attach mode you have to add it yourself when you are launching your application by hand. You can also use VSCode launch.json configuration to append the parameters by adding flowing lines to your configration;;
Attach with C++ DebuggerIf you want use multiple debugger (C++ and Qml) at the same time you should crate compatable one Qml Debug configuıration and one cppdbg configuration then combine them into launch compound. You should make sure that cppdbg launch configration launches application with debugging command line arguments with correct hostname and port values that matches with your Qml Debug launch configuration. Command Line Arguments: -qmljsdebugger=host:localhost,port:12150,services:DebugMessages,QmlDebugger,V8Debugger Launch Configuration: "host": "localhost", Example compund launch configration;
Current StateProject is still in development. Current version is fully functional but unstable with lots of potential bugs. In addition to that, there are rooms for improvements in various places. Therefore, still work in progress... Initial Release Features
Next Major Version Features
Really R&D Stuff (Far Future, Requires VSCode future contribution)
Author👤 Y. Orçun Gökbulut
🤝 ContributingContributions, issues and feature requests are welcome! Copyright & LiceneseCopyright © 2022 Y. Orçun GÖKBULUT. All rights reserved. |