Welcome to CosmWasm IDE ExtensionCosmosWasm IDE - An open-source project for CosmWasm smart contract developersCosmWasm IDE OptimizationThis is a bash script with a locked set of dependencies to produce
reproducible builds of cosmwasm smart contracts. It also does heavy
optimization on the build size, using binary stripping and CosmWasm IDE Extension InterfaceThe extension provides three custom VS Code buttons:
CosmWasm IDE Webview (the local webview has a default url: http://localhost:3000/). This allows the frontend & CosmWasm developers to easily customize the extension UI, adding new testnets for the development purposes & so on without cloning this repository. The CosmWasm IDE Explorer helps you modify the destination network that you want to interact with, and you can use it to interact with the smart contract you deploy with corresponding execute and query actions. DevelopmentRun and debug the extension in your local, please refer to the following guides: Please refer to the official CosmWasm IDE documentation which includes all repos related to it: ContributingPlease read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us. Build to VS Code Extension
Deploy to Vscode marketplace