oneline READMEoneline is a plugin to increase development speed. you can use the commands in the current file. the website: Featuresall commands currently only support the relative path. usagetype command line and select it.
demo: if you want to join us, please scan the image below to be friend with me by wechat's scan. or you can follow the wechat public account. cpcopy file content to the target file.
"source" is source file.
findsearch file and show the results.
"name" is your search key. it's required.
fromwrite some content to the target file.
tojump to the target file.
"target" is required. rpreplace text. support regex.
mvmove source line to target line.
if move to copy, you can use
if only move the cursor, pass an argument.
deldelete something.
gngenerate a function of the @oneline/core. |