Language Support for HTL (HTML Template Language) by Adobe Experience Manager (AEM)
Quick Start
- Install the Extension
- Write some amazing HTL code in .html file.
- Test sly auto-complete features
- Code completion
- Code outline
- Code folding
- Code snippets
- Fields and dialogs (coming soon...)
See the changelog for the latest release.
Code Snippets
The following settings are supported:
component : Creates a component.
template : Creates a component markup and references a template.
sly : Creates a sly tag with a data-sly attribute.
sly.resource : Creates a sly element with a data-sly-resource attribute.
sly.test : Creates a sly element with a data-sly-test attribute.
sly.test.var : Creates a sly element with an identified data-sly-test attribute.
sly.list : Creates a sly element with a data-sly-repeat and a dynamic tag element (It's recommended to use data-sly-repeat instead of list)
sly.repeat : Creates a sly element with a data-sly-repeat and a dynamic tag element.
sly.clientlib : Creates a sly element with a data-sly-use clientlib definition. : Creates a sly element with a data-sly-call attribute. : Creates a sly element with a data-sly-call attribute and a parameter.
sly.include : Creates a sly element with a data-sly-include attribute.
data-sly-include : Creates a data sly include attribute.
data-sly-call : Creates a data sly call attribute.
data-sly-element : Creates a data sly element attribute.
data-sly-attribute : Creates a data-sly-attribute attribute.
data-sly-attribute-map : Creates a data-sly-attribute-map attribute.
data-sly-use : Creates a data sly use attribute.
data-sly-use.var : Creates a data sly use attribute with var name.
data-sly-use.var.param : Creates a sly data use with a var name and one parameter.
sly.i18n : Creates an I18n call.
sly.i18n.hint : Creates an I18n call with a hint.
sly.i18n.locale : Creates an I18n call with a locale attribute.
sly.i18n.source : Creates an I18n call with a source attribute.
sly.i18n.2param : Creates an I18n call with two dynamic parameters.
sly.i18n.1param : Creates an I18n call with one dynamic parameter.
sly.i18n.full : Creates an I18n full tag.
sly.join : Creates a sly join.
sly.context : Creates a sly context.
sly.inStr : Creates an 'in' relational string operator.
sly.inArray : Creates an 'in' relational array operator.
MIT, See LICENSE for more information.
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