This extension adds Pyrefact as a formatter in VSCode.
Pyrefact finds and solves many common anti-patterns in python code.
Supported commands
Pyrefact supports three commands:
Format Document With...
-> Pyrefact
Format Selection With...
-> Pyrefact
Pyrefact: Restart Server
Pyrefact can also be configured as the default formatter and used with the regular hotkeys, described in the VSCode formatting documentation.
Below follows a number of examples to illustrate the sort of things pyrefact can do.
Converting loops into constant expressions
q = 3
w = list()
for a in range(-1, 10):
for k in range(-1, 1):
w.append(a ** 2 + q + k ** 2)
y = sum(w)
q = 3
y = 22 * q + 583
Replacing a loop filling up a set with a set comprehension
x = set()
for i in range(100):
if i > 3:
if i % 8 == 0:
x.add(i ** 2)
x = {i**2 for i in range(100) if i > 3 and i % 8 == 0}
Replacing a dict with a defaultdict where appropriate
d = {}
for x in range(10):
if x in d:
d[x] = [f(x)]
d = collections.defaultdict(list)
for x in range(10):
Converting math loops into np.matmul()
import numpy as np
i, j, k = 10, 11, 12
a = np.random.random((i, j))
b = np.random.random((j, k))
u = np.array(
a__ * b__
for a__, b__ in zip(a_, b_)
for a_ in a
for b_ in b.T
import numpy as np
i, j, k = 10, 11, 12
a = np.random.random((i, j))
b = np.random.random((j, k))
u = np.matmul(a, b)
De-indenting nested code
def f(x) -> int:
if x == 1:
x = 2
if x == 3:
x = 7
if x != 8:
x = 99
if x >= 912:
x = -2
elif x ** x > x ** 3:
x = -1
x = 14
return x
def _f(x) -> int:
if x == 1:
return 2
if x == 3:
return 7
if x == 8:
return 99
if x >= 912:
return -2
if x**x > x**3:
return -1
return 14
Removing dead code
import random
import sys
def f(x: int) -> int:
import heapq
y = e = 112
if x >= 2:
d = 12
if []:
x *= 99
if x == 3:
y = x ** 13
return 8
return 19
while False:
def f(x: int) -> int:
if x == 3:
return 8
return 19
A complete list of the things pyrefact can do can be found on the pyrefact github page.