ocaml-q4q1 READMEreadme Featuresquestion1 options let rec subst_fun subst m = match subst with [] -> TyVar(m) | ((a, b)::tl) -> if a = m then b else subst_fun tl m let rec monoTy_lift_subst subst monoTy = match monoTy with TyVar(m) -> subst_fun subst m | TyConst(s, args) -> let rec helper l = match l with [] -> [] | (hd::tl) -> monoTy_lift_subst subst hd :: helper tl in TyConst(s, helper args) let rec occurs x ty = match ty with TyVar(v) -> if x = v then true else false | TyConst(s, args) -> let rec helper l = match l with [] -> false | (hd :: tl) -> if occurs x hd then true else helper tl in helper args Requirementsmake sure its done Extension SettingsKnown Issuesdoes not help with copying Release Notesi do not condone cheating For more informationEnjoy! |