picker(pickerOption: PickerOption): cleanUp : Add event to picker
Script path: ${workspace}/.vscode/main.js
// All Visual-Studio-Code API used globaly.
function activate(context) {
// This line of code will only be executed once when your script is activated
window.showInformationMessage('Hello World!');
// this method is called when your extension is deactivated
function deactivate() {}
module.exports = { activate, deactivate }
script.main : string - The primary entry point to your program ( default: .vscode/main ).
script.suggestCreateScript : boolean - Suggest for creating script, If there isn't any script founded in workspace. ( default: true )
Create a folder named .vscode in your workspace.
Create a file named main.js in .vscode folder.
Reload Window or Restart Extension Host after edit.