HyperComments Skyrockets Productivity.Code comments for the 21st century. Did you know, comments didn't change since the 1940s? Target Audience:Currently, software developers and engineers are the main target audience, however HyperComments could help a lot for anyone who write a lot of techical literature: scientists, academic people etc. OverviewI know what you are looking for. You seek for a tool or a framework, or a system that will eliminate all the misery of software engineering, especially when it comes to complex (aka real world, useful) code. Such complex code with many "nuances" used to be a nightmare to develop and maintain. Not anymore with HyperComments. HyperComments will save hundreds of workhours, tons of nerves and years of life. However it's still so simple that it hurts. All it does is allowing you to create "anchors" and "links" inside any files in your project, so you can navigate them easily inside VSCode, just like you would do with regular HyperText inside your browser. Hey, HyperText was a revolution in the world of paper reads, right? Why not do the same inside our software projects? The difference is, HyperComments won't allow broken and incorrect links. But wait, if you are not impressed, then you truly don't yet understand how it works and what possibilities it opens! Use cases:
Is it free?It's free for individual and educational use, Open Source Development and for the first 3 users of any commercial organization. Please see the license for details. Get started
Supported languages and formats:
Coming soon:
ConfigurationHyperComments requires no configuration by default. For advanced usage, you can create a configuration file this way: View -> Command Palette -> HyperComments: Create Configuration File MiscellaneousThere are a few helper anchors: