Courier is a REST client implemented as a VS Code extension. It allows you to declare your REST library as code using Javascript, and then interact with your REST library using a UI in VS Code.
What problems does Courier try to solve?
As an engineer, I want a REST client that integrates with my IDE, so that I can reduce context switching in my workflow.
As an engineer, I want to write my REST client library as code, so that I can commit it to version control for my team and myself.
As an engineer, I want to write my REST client library in a programming language that I know, so that I can use that language's features and so that I don't have to learn a domain specific language.
As an engineer, I want to be able to interact with my REST client through a UI, so that once I write my REST client library it is easy and convenient to use it.
As an engineer, I want to build something, so that I can have fun.