This Visual Studio Code extension helps you create a Git branch name based on a Jira issue. It fetches the issue details from Jira using your saved credentials and generates a branch name with a predefined or user-specified prefix.
Set up Jira credentials to authenticate with your Jira instance.
Fetch Jira issue details and create a Git branch name.
[NEW] Set a default prefix for the branch name.
[NEW] Option to either copy the generated branch name to the clipboard or execute the git checkout -b command directly in the terminal.
Before using this extension, ensure you have the following:
Jira domain (e.g.,
Jira user name (usually your email address)
Jira API token (generate it in your Jira account settings)
Open Visual Studio Code.
Go to Extensions (you can use the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+X or Cmd+Shift+X).
Search for "Jira to Git Branch Name".
Install the extension.
1. Set up Jira Credentials
Run the command: Jira to Git Branch Name: Setup Jira Credentials.
Enter your Jira domain, user name, and API token when prompted.
Credentials are saved globally for future use.
2. Fetch Jira Issue and Generate Git Branch Name
Run the command: Jira to Git Branch Name: Fetch Jira Issue.
Enter the Jira issue key or URL when prompted.
Optionally, specify a prefix for the Git branch (e.g., feature, fix, hotfix).
Choose whether to copy the generated branch name to the clipboard or execute the git checkout -b {branchName} command directly in the terminal.
3. Set Default Prefix
Run the command: Jira to Git Branch Name: Set Default Prefix.
Enter the default prefix you want to use for your Git branch names.
This prefix will be used automatically if no prefix is specified when generating a branch name.
You can also configure Jira credentials directly in your VS Code settings: