Nox DevToolsFrom generating docs to designing entire architectures, Nox DevTools extension refines and customizes AI-generated content directly within VSCode, leveraging AI to scaffold and perfect outputs effortlessly. Deliver AI-generated projects of any size and complexity quickly, without compromising on precision and attention to details. FeaturesEasy Access
Interactive Commands
How to Use
LicenseOpen-Source PlansWe plan to open-source this product soon, balancing innovation, sustainability, and global impact. We are carefully designing this process to ensure it benefits humanity without creating unnecessary (really big) challenges 🔥 (don’t worry, we’ve got the extinguisher 🧯). Want to be the first to know when we open-source this product? Join the Waitlist now. Current License SummaryIn the meantime, this software is:
This allows Nox Build 🌙 to continue working to level the playing field between humans and AI 🌍🤖, addressing the challenges of superintelligence. Current Full License |