Provides tools for writers who have decided to use vscode. Works with Markdown files.
- Replaces regular quotes with smart quotes
- Replaces single quotes with curly quotes
- Replaces three dots (...) with ellipsis (…)
- Replaces two dashes (--) with em dash (—)
Generate manuscript
![Generate manuscript](screens/commands.png)
- Merge chapters: merge all chapters from any folder into a single file
- Generate .docx file: you need to have pandoc installed for this feature to work
You need Pandoc to generate .docx files. The rest of the features will work without it.
Extension Settings
novelist.manuscriptFolder : the folder containing all your chapters. Will default to ./Manuscript
novelist.referencesFolder : the folder containing your .docx reference file. Will default to ./References
Known Issues
Commands only work from a markdown file
Release Notes
Initial release
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