gjump is yet another EasyMotion inspired movement plugin. The most similar extension I know of is Find Then Jump.
Demo of jump and multi jump commands:
There are three commands:
gjump.initJump: simple jump
gjump.initSelect: simple select
gjump.initMultiJump: jump to multiple locations
There are no default keybindings. I myself have bound them to alt-/, alt-shift-/, and alt-ctrl-/, respectively.
With each command, start by typing some characters from the location(s) you want to target. Do not type uppercase letters at this point since those are reserved for labels! When there are few enough matches, labels appear. These labels will remain stable as you type more characters.
Next, type one or more labels. These must be entered in uppercase. What happens now depends on the command:
simple jump: as soon as you type the first label, the cursor will jump to the corresponding location
simple select: as soon as you type the first label, the current selection will be extended to the corresponding location
multi jump: typing a label toggles it. When you're done, press enter to set a cursor to all the selected labels