A Visual Studio Code extension that provides a customizable keymap with both normal and insert modes, similar to modal text editors. This extension offers efficient text navigation, editing capabilities, and special character handling.
Dual mode editing:
Normal mode for navigation and commands
Insert mode for text input
Smart cursor navigation:
Word boundary movement
Special character navigation
Quote and bracket jumping
Advanced editing capabilities:
Half page scrolling
Multiple line insertion
Configurable special character handling
Visual feedback:
Mode indicator in status bar
Different cursor styles for each mode
Intellisense integration:
Custom suggestion navigation
Quick symbol insertion
Customizable configurations:
Special character definitions
Cursor centering options
Number input settings
Basic Mode Switching
i or e: Enter insert mode
shift+escape or alt+e: Enter normal mode
Navigation (Normal Mode)
w: Move cursor up
s: Move cursor down
a: Move cursor left (by boundary)
d: Move cursor right (by boundary)
alt+a: Move cursor left (by character)
alt+d: Move cursor right (by character)
q: Half page down
alt+q: Half page up
Text Editing
b: Delete left
x: Delete right
alt+b: Delete word left
alt+x: Delete word right
y: Redo
z: Undo
Special Movement
n: Jump to next number
shift+n: Jump to previous number
7: Jump to next quote
alt+7: Jump to previous quote
8: Jump to next bracket
alt+8: Jump to previous bracket
Line Operations
ctrl+j: Insert line after
ctrl+shift+j: Insert line before
j: Enter (in normal mode)
Open Visual Studio Code
Press Ctrl+P to open the Quick Open dialog
Type ext install noname-keymap
Press Enter
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings:
nonameKeymap.moveRight.specialCharacters: Array of characters to jump to when moving right
nonameKeymap.moveLeft.specialCharacters: Array of characters to jump to when moving left