12dPL Language Server
A basic language server for 12dPL.
The following language features have been added:
- Syntax Highlighting
- AST parsing
The following language features will be added eventually.
- Code Completions: suggests completions for the current symbols based on the editor context.
- Document Highlights: highlights all 'equal' symbols in a text document.
- Hover: provides hover information for a symbol selected in a text document.
- Signature Help: provides signature help for a symbol selected in a text document.
- Goto Definition: provides go to definition support for a symbol selected in a text document.
- Goto Type Definition: provides go to type/interface definition support for a symbol selected in a text document.
- Goto Implementation: provides go to implementation definition support for a symbol selected in a text document.
- Find References: finds all project-wide references for a symbol selected in a text document.
- List Document Symbols: lists all symbols defined in a text document.
- List Workspace Symbols: lists all project-wide symbols.
- Document Formatting: this includes formatting of whole documents, document ranges and formatting on type.
- Rename: project-wide rename of a symbol.
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