websocket-text-relay-vscodewebsocket-text-relay-vscode is a vscode extension designed to enhance your live coding experience by leveraging the power of WebSockets and the Language Server Protocol (LSP). This tool watches for changes to your files and seamlessly relays these updates to the frontend client. With websocket-text-relay-vscode, you can see your code changes reflected live, without the need to save or refresh your browser. This repo contains just the vscode client. The server implementation can be found in the websocket-text-relay repo Install ExtensionSearch for "niels4" in the vscode extension marketplace or checkout the repo and generate the vsix file yourself using vsce UsageVerify the plugin is working by viewing the status UI hosted at http://localhost:38378 After installation, continue with step 2 in the websocket-text-relay README to connect your editor to a front end client and see your updates rendered as you type. Disable / Enable / Toggle WebSocket Text RelayCommand: Description: Disables / Enables / Toggles the WebSocket text relay functionality.
KeybindingsFor quicker access, you can add custom keybindings for these commands. Here is an example of how to set up keybindings in your
settingsenabledThis extension is enabled by default. You can disable text updates by setting allowNetworkAccessBy default, the http and websocket server will only accept incoming connections from your local machine. If you
wish to allow network access you must set the allowedHostsBy default, the http and websocket server will only accept connections where the hostname is developerYou can override the command used to start the language server using the Licensewebsocket-text-relay-vscode is released under the MIT License. |