Path parts are concatenated with . or wrapped with [""] for object keys and wrapped in [] for array indices.
For state like this (cursor position is bold)
{"a": ["q", {"k": 1}, 1]}
Path would be a[1].k.
For JS like this
var a = {"b": {c: 4, daq: [5, 15]}}
var b = {q: [2, 1**2**]}
Path would be q[1].
NOTE: JS objects are not validated.
Launch command Copy Json Path from command palette or context menu.
extension.copyJsonPath.nonQuotedKeyRegex: regex that tests whether key in path can be used without quotes. If key matches - key is not quoted. Use it if you want to have path a.b-c instead of a[\"b-c\"] for example. If you want all keys to be escaped - use regex that doesn't match anything, e.g. single space will only match single space, which is very rare object key (you can go more complicated like a{1000}). Default is ^[a-zA-Z$_][a-zA-Z\\d$_]*$.
extension.copyJsonPath.putFileNameInPath: boolean to set if the file name should be in the path. Default is false.
extension.copyJsonPath.prefixSeparator: string separator to put between the prefix and the path. Default is :.
extension.copyJsonPath.pathSeparator: string separator to put between the parts of the path. Default is ..
Linux dependency
Change Log
Add option pathSeparator to control path separator
Add the option to put the file name in the returned path (@olivier-deschenes, #15)
Add info on regex for all keys to be escaped for nonQuotedKeyRegex (see issue #13)