GuiLite is the smalles/simplest/stablest GUI library for all platforms, it has only 5,000 line C++ code.
GuiLite Previewer is a Visual Studio Code extension, could extract GUI information from C++ code and preview GUI at preview page(What you see is what you get)
No need for drag-and-drop widgets, everything (e.g. code/design/build/debug) could be done by coding
No need for special GUI editor(e.g. Android Studio, Qt designer)
No need for Extensible Markup Language(e.g. xml, xaml)
How to build/use GuiLite Previewer?
Download npm, and install
Run in Windows command line: cd GuiLitePreviwer ⚠️and make sure you're in GuiLitePreviwer folder⚠️
Run in Windows command line: npm install
Run in Windows command line: code . which will open the project in VS Code window
In VS Code window you just opened, Press F5 to build/debug the extension
You will get an new VS Code window with the extension you build above
In the new VS Code window, open your source code(e.g. test.cpp)
ctrl + shift + p, and input GuiLite: preview layout