Run JavaScript and TypeScript functions with one click!
When writing a new function, how do you quickly verify it's working properly? Stop creating temporary files just to test a function, or getting repl import errors. With the Run Function VS Code extension, you can just click one button on exported functions to run them directly within VS Code!
Displays a ► Run Function button above exported functions
Click the button to immediately run the function
Returned values are printed in the Output View, along with logs and errors
Dependencies are imported properly
Supports .mjs, .ts and .tsx files
Auto saves the file to run the function
How does it work
This extension uses child_process.spawn to invoke node or ts-node, and execute a script similar to this:
import("./myFile") // Imports your file dynamically
.then((m) => m.myFunction()) // Calls your function
.then((v) => console.log(JSON.stringify(v))) // Logs the returned value
.catch((e) => console.error(e)); // Logs errors
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings:
run-function.buttonDisplay: Defines how to display the button to run the function.
icon and text above: Displays a "► Run Function" button above the function
icon above: Displays a "►" icon button above the function
none: No button is displayed
Function Arguments aren't supported yet
.js and .jsx files aren't supported yet
Only supports exported function
Browser APIs might not work, since it uses node to run them
VS Code doesn't support ANSI colors on the Output view
Function detection depends on a regex, instead of the code's AST
Future Work and Ideas
[ ] Support .js and .jsx files
[ ] Function Parameters
[ ] Add an option to enable TypeScript type checking (disabled for a ~3x quicker transpilation)
[ ] Add an option to change auto-save behavior
Auto-save: Saves the file when "► Run function" is clicked. This should also print "Auto saved" in the console
Ask: Shows a dialog to offer saving the file
Temp file: Creates a temp file in the same folder and executes that instead. Might have problems if other files require the file (circular references)
Don't save: Doesn't save the file. Executes the saved file. Should notify the user that it's executing the unsaved version
[ ] Add a VSCode command (Cmd+Shift+P) to run the current function
[ ] Color the output
[ ] Add an option to run the function in the terminal
[ ] Add an option to display an execution icon inline, instead of above the functions
[ ] Add an option to create a keyboard shortcut to execute the function
[ ] Add an option to customize TypeScript Compile Options
[ ] Display a webview with an interactive way of visualizing the data. Useful for objects (with a tree view), or lists (with a table view)
Run yarn install in terminal to install dependencies
Run the Run Extension target in the Debug View. This will: