Quickly and easily turn hard coded strings into ngx-translate pipes
This project contains VSCode extension ngx-translate-quickcreate.
For usage in an Angular project that uses @ngx-translate.
Extension Commands
This extension contributes the following commands:
Generate Translation String
Turns your selected text into a ngx-translate string and pipe.
Example Usage
Select word(s) that you want to translate
Open up the command palette (⇧⌘P (Windows, Linux Ctrl+Shift+P))
Search for Translate: Generate Translation String
Input a name you wish to refer to this value as, e.g. hello world
Selected text is now changed to the translation key with the pipe and translation copied to clipboard
Open your translations .json file and paste the clipboard contents
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings:
ngx-translate-quickcreate.autocapitalize: Automatically capitalize the translation string key - only applies in snake case mode.
ngx-translate-quickcreate.caseMode: Type of case to use for translation string - options are 'camel' and 'snake'.
ngx-translate-quickcreate.replaceOnTranslate: Replace the selected text after generating a translation string.
ngx-translate-quickcreate.translatePipeName: The name of the pipe to handle the translation.
ngx-translate-quickcreate.quote: Which quote to use around the inserted translation key.
ngx-translate-quickcreate.padding: Add spaces inside the curly bracket pair.
Release Notes
Added setting to use camel or snake case
Added setting for capitalization
Fixed using only workspace settings
Fixed only the first space being underscored
Initial release of ngx-translate-quickcreate
Contributions are welcome. After updating the version, run npm run package to create a .vsix file to upload.
See Microsofts guide on publishing extensions.