Joost's C++ utilities
Just a few simple transformations to speed up c++ coding in VS Code.
Given a set of property declarations, eg:
class T
size_t m_Size;
std::array<std::string,3> m_TheStrings;
Select the two lines containing the properties m_Size and m_TheStrings and run the commands:
create getters and setters
Outputs the following:
const size_t& Size() const { return m_Size; }
void SetSize(const size_t& v) { m_Size = v; }
void SetSize(size_t&& v) { m_Size = std::move(v); }
const std::array<std::string,3>& TheStrings() const { return m_TheStrings; }
void SetTheStrings(const std::array<std::string,3>& v) { m_TheStrings = v; }
void SetTheStrings(std::array<std::string,3>&& v) { m_TheStrings = std::move(v); }
create constructor
Outputs the following:
CONSTRUCTORNAME(const size_t& size, const std::array<std::string,3>& theStrings) : m_Size(size), m_TheStrings(theStrings) {}
create property list
Outputs the following:
m_Size, m_TheStrings
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