- graphql doc
- Gqls modification is supported synchronously
- Support graphql schema diff
- Support operations field selection
- To be added...
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-require-imports
const Mock = require('mockjs')
const { Random } = Mock
module.exports = {
port: 5632,
// Local schema file path
localSchemaFile: './src/graphql/generated/schema.graphql',
// "remote" | "local". When the remote gateway fails, you are advised to set it to "local" and specify the path of the local schema file.
schemaPolicy: 'remote',
endpoint: {
url: 'http://demo-address/graphql',
requestHeaders: {
/** token */
openGrouped: true,
mock: {
/** Whether all operations are mocking --> default-value: true */
openAllOperationsMocking: false,
/** operation-based need mocking */
operations: {
query: [],
mutation: [],
subscription: [],
/** mocks */
scalarMap: {
Int: () => Random.integer(0, 100),
String: () => Random.ctitle(2, 4),
ID: () =>,
Boolean: () => Random.boolean(),
BigDecimal: () => Random.integer(0, 1000000),
Float: () => Random.float(0, 100),
Date: () =>,
DateTime: () => Random.datetime(),
Long: () => Random.integer(0, 10000),
NumberOrBoolOrStringOrNull: () => null,
NumberOrString: () => null,
Object: () => ({}),
resolvers: {
Query: {
/* Custom field interface return */
// ListTaskBoardName: () => {
// return [
// {
// commodityNa3me: "111111111",
// commoditySpec2OptionName: "争11232131231212果",
// commodityType4Name: "样情",
// completedQuan4tity: "府委产",
// create4By: "火传离那",
// },
// ]
// },