Code Generator for Clean ArchitectureDownload the extension
How to start-------------------------------------------------A Visual Studio extension for easily create application features code to clean architecture project. Simply hit Shift+F2 to create an empty file in the selected folder or in the same folder as the selected file. See the changelog for updates and roadmap. Features
CleanArchitecture for Blazor Server Application projectPlease use this in collaboration with this project. Github : How to useA new button is added to the context menu in Solution Explorer. You can either click that button or use the keybord shortcut Shift+F2. Select Entity Name from Domain Project Create folders and namespaceCreate additional folders for your file by using forward-slash to specify the structure. For example, by typing scripts/test.js in the dialog, the folder scripts is created if it doesn't exist and the file test.js is then placed into it. Generate sourcecodeGenerate to-do listcode templatesYou can modify these templates according to your own projects ContributeCheck out the contribution guidelines if you want to contribute to this project. For cloning and building this project yourself, make sure to install the Extensibility Tools 2015 extension for Visual Studio which enables some features used by this project. License |