synnex react framework pmr helper, help developer create dva router quickly
How to use it?
Alt+Q Create PMR
Ctrl+Alt+Q Force Create PMR
- fix: when auth failed should empty the auth info
- new: add auth entry point config
- fix: cookie change to global
- chg: keep live jira and confluence auth access
- fix: jira and confluence auth bug
- new: get confluence GuideLine and Jira Issue
- new: chg home page desc
- new: add synnex snippets preview
- new: add synnex home welcome page
- fix: chg regstr for reflinks
- new: doc link parse and open link
- fix: hover doc link issue and supplement doc
- new: add synnex-uicomponent snipets and hover doc
- fix: path parse problem
- fix: run test use "" wrap name str
- new: store file search support alias @snx str
- new: test file add codeLens for quick run test for one case
- chg: only routes page has createPMR command
- fix: child index file auto append directory name index.js
- new: search pmr releative files and jump it
- new: model directory can search child file
- new: router support child page
- chg: call pmr command after can click Show Me btn jump to pmr file
- init: synnex-pmr 0.0.1
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