nav-x-al-helper READMENAV-X AL Helper assists in creating new projects and AL Apps. This is an internal NAV-X use app only. FeaturesCreate New FeedCreate a new Artifacts feed in DevOps. RequirementsIf you have any requirements or dependencies, add a section describing those and how to install and configure them. Extension SettingsThis extension contributes the following settings:
Known IssuesRelease Notes0.0.34
0.0.33Resolved issue with creating a container when launch.json contains configurations without server defined 0.0.32Resolved issue when error was displayed when container creation was not executed from app.json 0.0.29Updates to allow multi project workspaces 0.0.28Added new function to add ISV solutions to app 0.0.2Updated settings to show in extension configuration editor 0.0.1Initial release of NAV-X AL Helper |