Simple extension that add snippets to insert the current file name in many different formats.
This extension adds the following Snippets to any document.
| Snippet | Description |
|---------------------------- |---------------------------------------------------------------- |
| filename-as-class | Inserts the current filename in PascalCase (MyFileName) |
| filename-as-constant | Inserts the current filename in CONSTANT_CASE (MY_FILE_NAME) |
| filename-as-selector | Inserts the current filename as kebab-case (my-file-name) |
| filename-case-camel | Inserts the current filename as myFileName |
| filename-case-constant | Inserts the current filename as MY_FILE_NAME |
| filename-case-dot | Inserts the current filename as |
| filename-case-kebab | Inserts the current filename as my-file-name |
| filename-case-pascal | Inserts the current filename as MyFileName |
| filename-case-snake | Inserts the current filename as my_file_name |
| filename-case-title | Inserts the current filename as My File Name |
| filename-case-capitalize | Inserts the current filename as MyFileName |
| filename-case-lower" | Inserts the current filename as myfilename |
| filename-case-upper | Inserts the current filename as MYFILENAME |