Stained Glass Theme for VS Code
A theme designed with LCH color values to get more perceptually uniform hues and contrast.
- Italics are used for comments, library/support entities, storage types, attributes, and markup italic.
- Bold is used for method/function declarations and markup bold.
- For LCH values:
- CIE standard observer = 2
- CIE standard illuminant = D50
color |
LCH value |
RGB hex value |
notes |
black |
0, 0, 0 |
#000000 |
bg5 |
5, 0, 0 |
#111111 |
main background |
bg10 |
10, 0, 0 |
#1b1b1b |
line highlight |
bg15 |
15, 0, 0 |
#262626 |
bg20 |
20, 0, 0 |
#303030 |
selection |
bg25 |
25, 0, 0 |
#3b3b3b |
hover highlight |
bg35 |
35, 0, 0 |
#525252 |
Neutral foreground
color |
LCH value |
RGB hex value |
notes |
fg45 |
45, 5, 60 |
#716963 |
whitespace foreground |
fg60 |
60, 5, 60 |
#988f89 |
fg75 |
75, 5, 60 |
#c0b7b1 |
main foreground, entities, cursor, markup italic |
fg90 |
90, 5, 60 |
#eae1da |
method/function declarations, markup bold |
Main non-neutral foreground
color |
LCH value |
RGB hex value |
notes |
red |
60, 60, 30 |
#e9655f |
terminal red, errors, invalid, diff delete |
green |
60, 50, 150 |
#39a462 |
terminal green, strings, CSS tags, markup code, diff insert |
yellow |
60, 55, 90 |
#a48f25 |
terminal yellow, variables, HTML tags, markup heading |
blue |
60, 50, 270 |
#5793e9 |
terminal blue, storage types, attributes, markup underline, diff change |
magenta |
60, 60, 330 |
#d469c7 |
terminal magenta, keywords, storage, tags |
cyan |
60, 35, 210 |
#20a0ae |
terminal cyan, comments, markup quote |
lightPink |
80, 0, 0 |
#fc9bbb |
terminal brightRed |
lightGreen |
75, 40, 0 |
#acd372 |
terminal brightGreen |
lightOrange |
80, 50, 120 |
#f9b887 |
terminal brightYellow |
lightBlue |
80, 40, 60 |
#7ed2fe |
terminal brightBlue |
lightPurple |
80, 35, 240 |
#d2bdfe |
terminal brightMagenta, constants |
lightTurquoise |
80, 34, 300 |
#24dfc4 |
terminal brightCyan |
Only used for terminal
color |
LCH value |
RGB hex value |
notes |
black |
20, 0, 0 |
#303030 |
terminal black |
brightBlack |
60, 0, 0 |
#919191 |
terminal brightBlack |
white |
80, 50, 180 |
#c6c6c6 |
terminal white |
brightWhite |
100, 0, 0 |
#ffffff |
terminal brightWhite |
Errors, warnings, info, git
color |
LCH value |
RGB hex value |
notes |
orange |
60, 60, 60 |
#cf7a33 |
warnings |
darkRed |
20, 20, 30 |
#4a2623 |
darkOrange |
20, 20, 60 |
#432a17 |
darkBlue |
20, 20, 270 |
#1f314e |
dullRed |
60, 30, 30 |
#c17f78 |
dullOrange |
60, 30, 60 |
#b48663 |
dullGreen |
60, 25, 150 |
#6d9b7a |
dullBlue |
60, 25, 270 |
#7c92bc |
color |
LCH value |
RGB hex value |
notes |
focusBorder |
40, 40, 300 |
#675497 |
btnBadgeBg |
40, 25, 300 |
#655882 |
btnBadgeHoverBg |
47, 25, 300 |
#776994 |
findMatchBg |
35, 25, 180 |
#145d51 |
findMatchHlBg |
25, 20, 60 |
#4f3521 |
listActiveSelBg |
25, 20, 300 |
#403756 |
progressBarBg |
45, 50, 240 |
#0078b3 |
border |
20, 5, 60 |
#362f2a |
checkboxBorder |
40, 5, 60 |
#655d57 |
peekViewBg |
5, 7, 180 |
#001411 |
| |