Base16 Tomorrow Night, theme for Visual Studio Code
This theme is converted from chriskempson/base16-textmate to Visual Studio Code compatible theme. White and purple colors were updated to be in sync with the Visual Studio custom settings for this theme.
Theme settings
Copy this json to your Visual Studio Code user setting section for the purple customised look.
macOSCmd + Shift + PWindows/LinuxCtrl + Shift + P - to open the command drop down in Visual Studio Code
select Preferences: Open Settings (JSON) to open the user settings JSON configuration panel
copy/paste everything from settings.json into right hand side panel and save; delete all previous settings before paste; merge it if you know what you're doing :)
List of installed Vusial Studio Code extensions for screenshots
powerlevel9k theme for zsh -> git repo powerlevel9k
Powerline patched fonts for use in zsh shell -> git repo fonts - font used in configuration is "Ubuntu Mono derivative Powerline"; "Meslo LG S for Powerline" also my second best personal choice.
git clone ~/powerlevel9k - or change the path to the folder you like, but also change in the next command below
install Ubuntu from Windows Store, follow the prompts to complete the installation (Windows Subsystem for Linux has to be installed/enabled as well)
start Ubunty shell from the Start Menu
update all packege to the latest version - sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install zsh - install the zsh shell, will prompt for password
optionally install zsh-completions by following the Ubuntu instructions below
change default Ubuntu shell from bash to zsh (requires root access) - chsh -s /usr/bin/zsh
git clone ~/powerlevel9k - or change the path to the folder you like, but also change in the next command below
in WindowsExplorer navigate to the fonts folder and install (right click on the font and select install from the dropdown menu) the dev font of your choice; in my case it's "Ubuntu Mono derivative Powerline.ttf"
open RegEdit and navigate to this key Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Console\TrueTypeFont
add new string value with the name "000" and the value of your preferred font, in my case it's "Ubuntu Mono derivative Powerline"
restart your computer for the changes to get applied
optionally go to PowerShell or CommandPrompt and change the default font to the font added in the RegEdit
Linux (Ubuntu)
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade - this command is not necessary, just to keep Ubuntu up to date :)
sudo apt install zsh - install the zsh shell, will prompt for password
zsh-completions - more repos at this [url] -> git repo zsh-completions
git clone ~/powerlevel9k - or change the path to the folder you like, but also change in the next command below