Frequently Used FilesIf you work in large code bases with many subsystems, tracking critical files in the project can be challenging. You'll typically have some essential entry-point files in each subsystem, but how do you remember which ones? This extension lets you easily remember groups of "frequently used files" inside your code. You can create a group and then files to it that you want to remember. You can create a group per subsystem, per platform, or common files across subsystems - it's up to you. The extension stores groups and file information in a file called fufconfig.json, which lives at the root of your project. See below for more details. UIAccess the extension via the bookmark icon in the main Tree View container. From the extension window, you can maintain groups and:
To add a file to a group:
Once a file has been added to a group, you can open it directly or delete it from the group. Configuration detailsAn example file looks like this:
You can edit this file directly and reload it from the extension UI. Note that the path to files is a simple string. The path is assumed to be relative to the project and will needed to be escaped. Extension SettingsNone at this time. Known IssuesUpcoming features to be added:
Release NotesInitial release to the world. 0.0.1 - Hello World! |