Corllete ES6 snippets
Javascript ES6 snippets for Visual Studio Code editor following the eslint rules of Corllete (coding standards). It's a work
in progress.
Supported languages
- Javascript (.js)
- Javascript React (.jsx, js)
- Typescript (.ts)
- Typescript React (.tsx)
List of all available snippets and names (triggers) for each one of them.
Import and export
Name |
Content |
imp |
Import module default import name from 'name' |
impn |
Import named import { name } from 'name' |
impdn |
Import default and named import name, { other } from 'name' |
impg |
Import global import 'name' |
impa |
Import all with alias import * as aliasName from 'name' |
impal |
Import default with alias import { name as aliasName } from 'name' |
Name |
Content |
arrs |
Simple arrow function arg => value |
arrsb |
Simple arrow function with more than one argument (arg1, arg2) => arg1 + arg2 |
arrsd |
Simple arrow function with argument destruct ({ name }) => name.trim() |
arr |
Multi line arrow function with one argument and return expression only arg => ( ret ) |
arrb |
Multi line arrow function with more than one argument and return expression only (arg1, arg2) => ( ... multi-line expr ... ) |
arrd |
Multi line arrow function with argument destruct and return expression only ({ name }) => ( ... multi-line expr ... ) |
arro |
Multi line arrow function with one argument and return object expression arg => ({ key: value }) |
arrbo |
Multi line arrow function with more than one argument and return object (arg1, arg2) => ({ ... multi-line object ... }) |
arrdo |
Multi line arrow function with argument destruct and return object expression ({ name }) => ({ ... multi-line object ... }) |
arrf |
Full arrow function with body ({ name }) => { ... multi-line expression ... } |
arrfd |
Full arrow function with argument destruct and body ({ name }) => { ... multi-line expression ... } |
Tip: To use a snippet in VSCode type the snippet name and hit Tab.
- Separate typsecript (ts) snippets
- Separate typescript react (tsx)
Initial release of ES6 snippets
| |