Short JSDoc
Short Javascript Snippets and Documentation based on JSDoc.
A collection of Javascript snippets for faster developmment in Visual Studio Code Based on JsDoc. Including snippets for Sencha Ext JS.
Access object property
aop + tab
Array property
ap + tab
${1:name}${2|:,=|} [${3}]${4:,}
Arrow function
af + tab
($1) => { $0 }
Async arrow function
aaf + tab
async ($1) => { $0 }
at + tab
* @author ${1:user} <${2:email}>
* ${3:description}
Bind configuration
bc + tab
${1:bind}: {
${2:property}: '{${3:value}}',$0
Bind property
bp + tab
${1:property}: '{${2:value}}'${3:,}
Call function
cf + tab
cc + tab
* $0
Console debug block
cd + tab
console.${2|log,info,warn,error|}('${3:debug}', ${4:arguments}); $0
Console methods
cm + tab
console.${2|assert,count,debug,dir,dirxml,error,group,groupCollapsed,groupEnd,info,log,profile,profileEnd,table,time,timeEnd,timeStamp,trace,warn|}(${4:arguments}); $0
Context tag
ct + tab
@${1|private,protected,public|} ${2:args}
Control variables
cv + tab
var ${1:me} = this,
${2:view} = ${1:me}.getView(),
${3:model} = ${1:me}.getViewModel(),
${4:refs} = ${1:me}.getReferences();
Copyright Tag
crt + tab
* @copyright ${1:name} ${2:year}
* $1
Deprecated Tag
dt + tab
Equal name property and value
ep + tab
${1:property}${2|:,=|} ${3}${4:property} ${5:,}
Export default
ed + tab
export default $0;
Ext JS Class definition
ecd + tab
* @class ${1:name}
* @extends ${2:extend}
* @xtype ${4:xtype}
* ${5:description}
Ext.define('${1:name}', {
extend: '${2:extend}',
xtype: '${4:xtype}',
${6://}requires: [${7}],
initComponent: function (){
var ${8:me} = this;
Ext.apply(${8:me}, {
items: [
Ext log
xl + tab
msg: '${1:debug}',
level: '${2|log,info,error,warn|}',
dump: ${3:arguments},
stack: ${4|true,false|}
ew + tab
Function property
fp + tab
* ${1:name} ${2:description}
* @${3|private,protected,public|}
${1:name}${4|:,=|} function (${5}) {
Generic Tag
gt + tab
* @${1:tag} $0
Get property
gp + tab
${1:property}${2|:,=|} ${3:model}.${4:get}('${5:dataIndex}')${6:,}
Justification change
jc + tab
* ${1:user} ${CURRENT_MONTH}/${CURRENT_DATE}/${CURRENT_YEAR} ${2:justification}
Method property
mp + tab
* @${1|method,function|} ${2:name} ${3:description}
* @returns {${4|String,Number,Boolean,Object,Array,Function,Date|}} ${5:property} `${6:default}` ${7:description}
* @${8|private,protected,public|}
${2:name} ${9|:,=|} function (${10}) {
var ${5:property} = ${6:null};
return ${5:property};
Object property
op + tab
${1:name}${2::} {
${4:property}: ${5:''}, $0
pp + tab
${1:property}${2|:,=|} ${3:null}${4:,}
Property definition
pd + tab
* @${1|cfg,arg,argument|} {${2|String,Number,Boolean,Object,Array,Function,Date|}${3}} ${4:name} `${5:default}` ${6:description}
${4:name}${7|:,=|} ${5:null}${8:,}
Property tag
pt + tab
@${1|param,arg,argument|} {${2|String,Number,Boolean,Object,Array,Function,Date|}${3}} ${4:name} `${5:default}` ${6:description}
Set and get property
sg + tab
* @param {${1:type}} ${2:name} `${3:default}` ${4:description}
* @${5|public,private,protected|}
set${6:Property}${7|:,=|} function (${2:name}) {
var old${2:name} = this.${2:name};
if (${2:name} !== old${2:name}) {
this.${2:name} = ${2:name};
//this.update${6:Property}(${2:name}, old${2:name});
* @returns {${1:type}} ${2:name} `${3:default}` ${4:description}
* @${5|public,private,protected|}
get${6:Property}${7|:,=|} function () {
var ${2:name} = this.${2:name} || ${3:default};
return ${2:name};
Shorter arrow function
saf + tab
($1) => $0
String property
sp + tab
${1:property}${2|:,=|} '${3:value}'${4:,}
Todo Tag
td + tab
* @todo ${1:description}
Update function property
uf + tab
* @${1|private,protected,public|}
update${2:Property} ${3|:,=|} function (new${2:Property}, old${2:Property}) {
Use strict
us + tab
'use strict';
Version Tag
vt + tab
* @version ${1:major}.${2:minor}.${3:patch} $1