This extension contributes the following commands:
extension.simplCC_Series3: Compiles the currently opened file if it is a SIMPL+ .usp. Targeted at the 3series processors.
extension.simplCC_Series2and3: Compiles the currently opened file if it is a SIMPL+ .usp. Targeted at both the 2series and 3series processors.
extension.simplCC_Series3All: Finds all .usp files in the open folder and compiles them all. Targeted at 3series processors only.
extension.simpl_help: Opens the Crestron SIMPL+ help reference file.
extension.simpl_visualize: Opens a preview window and lets you preview the signal layout in real time. Note: this will automatically fully expand your module signals to their maximum available size.
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings:
simpl.compiler: sets the path of the Simpl+ compiler. Can be set to a custom path via the user settings. Please use the double \ to specify directory paths.
simpl.helpLocation: sets the path of the SIMPL+ reference guide. Can be set to a custom path via the user settings. Please use the double \ to specify directory paths.
simpl.terminalLocation: sets path of the default windows cmd.exe. Can be set to a custom path via the user settings. Please use the double \ to specify directory paths.
Keybindings and Menus
All commands are added to the right click context menu of the editor tab, and the following keybindings have been added.
ctrl+F1: Opens Simpl+ Help.
ctrl+F12: Compiles current file for Series3.
ctrl+alt+F12: Compiles current file for Series2 and Series3
ctrl+shift+F12: Compiles all .usp files in the open working folder for Series3.
So users can utilize their own snippets if desired, code snippets are available in a separate extension named "Crestron Simpl+ Code Snippets".
Known Issues
API files - if CLZ is recently generated, the API file opened or generated may not be the newest available. If this happens, try a compile and then attempt opening the API file again.
Release Notes
Added support for opening and generating Simpl# API files.
Syntax highlighting for Simpl# API files.
Fixed an issue in the visualizer with multiple signal detection.
Minor additional syntax highlighting improvements.
Big improvements to syntax detection. (Function highlighting, signal name highlighting, etc)
Various Syntax related bug fixes (special characters breaking string detection, improper highlighting, etc)
Add 'threadsafe' to syntax detection.
Handle '#output_shift' compiler directive in visualizer.
Added Simpl module visualizer.
Remove snippets. Snippets are now available in mwgustin.crestron-simpl-plus-snippets