This extension uses the materials from learnxinyminutes, a site with cheatsheets that can get you quickly up and running in an unfamiliar language. Instead of having to navigate to a browser, the cheatsheets can now be opened directly within VS Code.
The open source repository behind the cheatsheets on learnxinyminutes can be found at learnxinyminutes-docs. As cheatsheets get added and improved, they will be ported into this extension!
Searchable cheatsheets
Automatic and configurable file associations
LearnXinYMinutes: Open Cheatsheet (auto)
Opens the default cheatsheet for the file type that is active.
LearnXinYMinutes: Set File Association
Sets the file type association with a specific cheatsheet
Coming soon:
Command for manually opening cheatsheets
Extension Settings
LearnXinYMinutes: Custom File Associations
Key-value pairs that will override any file associations.
(Recommended) Set new associations with the LearnXinYMinutes: Set File Association command
Coming soon:
Configure whether the cheat sheet opens as side view, new tab, or new window.