Fixed breaking bug with vs 1.5.* and < TypeScript 2.0.0.
Few small tweaks and fixed error with vscode 1.5.*.
Added Import status bar, currently show you how many importable objects you have.
Correctly uses configured file paths for fileWatcher.
Fixed new exports not being immediately discovered.
CodeAction import paths are relative to the current file.
Typings are now excluded by default (along with node_modules and jspm_packages)
Fixed Windows paths issue
Nicer import paths.
Imports are now merged if they are from the same location.
Configuration for ' or ".
Works on Windows.
Now on Github.
0.7.0 / 0.7.1 / 0.7.2
Add configuration to control notifications and files to scan
Fixed a few bugs
Refactored code
Partial support for node_modules imports. AutoImport will scan your already used imports and provide them as suggestions when appropriate, so you will only need to type out your import once in one file and all other times will be handled by AutoImport. Version 0.7 will have full support for this.
General improvements, icon added and extension will now also watch for local file changes.
Work with node_modules (@angular / underscore for example).