This is an extension created originally for going to next/previous spaces in C/Cpp files. But other useful commands have also been added for convenience.
Commands available:
NextSpace: Go to Next Space
- Goes to the next space in the same line.
NextSpace: Go to Previous Space
- Goes to the previous space in the same line.
NextSpace: Go to Start of Line
- Goes to the start of the current line.
NextSpace: Go to End of Line
- Goes to the end of the line.
NextSpace: Select till Next Empty Space
- Selects from cursor till next empty space in the same line.
NextSpace: Select till Previous Empty Space
- Selects from cursor till previous empty space in the same line.
NextSpace: Select till end of line
- Selects from cursor till the end of the line.
NextSpace: Select till start of line
- Selects from cursor till the beginning of the line.
NextSpace: Go To Function Start
- Take the cursor to the start of a function.
NextSpace: Toggle Header/Source to other window
- if the editor is split, open header file in the other split window to the right/left if the current file is a source file and vice versa.
NextSpace: Create Cpp Files
- Opens a prompt, and creates cpp and header files with the provided name. Eg: if "test" is given in the prompt, then test.h and test.cpp files will be created. The files are placed in the project root.
NextSpace: Mark Cursor
- Saves the position of the cursor position(To be coupled with selectMarked)
NextSpace: Select between Marks
- if the cursor was previously marked, then text between the previously selected cursor position and the current cursor position will be selected.