Authenticate by running gh cli login gh auth login from a terminal and following the steps in your browser.
# example gh auth login session
gh auth login
? What account do you want to log into? (or GitHub Enterprise Server)
? What is your preferred protocol for Git operations on this host? HTTPS
? Authenticate Git with your GitHub credentials? No
? How would you like to authenticate GitHub CLI? Login with a web browser
! First copy your one-time code: 70EE-13FF (mangled!)
Press Enter to open in your browser...
✓ Authentication complete.
- gh config set -h git_protocol https
✓ Configured git protocol
✓ Logged in as <username>
Make sure to open the git repo folder in your VS Code before using this code
Select MCGH: PRs to package.xml from Command Palette
Provide PR numbers in comma separated list
Extension will provide you package.xml
2. Visualize Salesforce Territories
Select MCGH: Visualize Territories" from Command Palette
- Provide output format (png,svg,pdf)
- Extension will create the visualization of the Territories
### Create package.xml for the given metadata types
# Login into the org
# For Sandboxes
sf force auth web login -s -r
# for Production
sf force auth web login -s -r
Select MCGH: createPackageXml from Command Palette
Select Metadata types you need and click [Generate package.xml] button
3. Split the given package.xml for the given items list
This utility is designed to assist in splitting and managing Salesforce package.xml files by selectively extracting and organizing components based on a given list. The tool works in two main steps:
Splitting the Package: Users select a package.xml file and a corresponding item-list (similar to a .forceignore file). The utility processes these files, updating the package.xml by commenting out components based on the item-list and saving the modified version as updated_package.xml.
Extracting Commented Items: The second part of the utility takes the updated package.xml, extracts the commented components, and creates a new package.xml containing only the commented-out items, which can be used for further processing or review.
To Use
Select MCGH:Split Packages from Command Palette
This will create 2 package.xml files in /tmp/output (C:\tmp\output on Windows)
one with commented items in the given package.xml: updated_package.xml
one with only the commented items: commented_items_package.xml