If some snippets do not show up, add the following to your settings file
"configurationDefaults": {
"files.associations": {
"*.ejs": "html"
"emmet.includeLanguages": {
"ejs": "html"
or you can dowinlode mern-snippets-0.0.1.vsix frome :
This problem occurs because vs code deletes this command frome package.json.
This problem may appear when using EJS - HBS - MongoDB snippets
Express Snippets
Prefix |
Method |
app.get |
Express GET request |
app.post |
Express POST request |
app.put |
Express PUT request |
app.delete |
Express DELETE request |
app.all |
This method is like the standard app.METHOD() methods, except it matches all HTTP verbs. |
app.disable |
Sets the Boolean setting name to false, where name is one of the properties from the app settings table. |
app.disabled |
Returns true if the Boolean setting name is disabled (false), where name is one of the properties from the app settings table. |
app.set |
Assigns setting name to value, where name is one of the properties from the app settings table." |
app.use |
Mounts the specified middleware function or functions at the specified path. If path is not specified. |
app.listen |
Binds and listens for connections on the specified host and port. This method is identical to Node's http.Server.listen(). |
app.render |
Returns the rendered HTML of a view via the callback function. It accepts an optional parameter that is an object containing local variables for the view. |
app.param |
Add callback triggers to route parameters, where name is the name of the parameter or an array of them, and callback is the callback function. |
app.patch |
Routes HTTP PATCH request to the specifed path with the specified callback functions. |
app.route |
Returns an instance of a single route, which you can then use to handle HTTP verbs with optional middleware. Use app.route() to avoid duplicate route names (and thus typo errors). |
res.send |
Express RESPONSE object |
express function
Prefix |
Method |
jwt.creat |
to creat jsonwebtoken |
jwt.verify |
to verify jsonwebtoken |
json.successResponse |
api json success Response |
json.errorResponse |
api json Error Response |
error-class |
Error handler class helper with example |
nodeMailer |
node mailer for sending email massage |
session-with-mongo-store |
session with mongoDB store |
multer.mi |
node mailer for sending multiple image |
multer.si |
node mailer for sending singlr image |
joiV |
joi Validation |
auth-mid |
To confirm whether it is login or not |
e-controller |
express controller |
JavaScript Snippets
Prefix |
Method |
af |
Arrow Function |
.filter |
Filter Function |
.find |
Find Function |
.findIndex |
findIndex Function |
.indexOf |
indexOf Function |
.map |
map Function |
.sort |
sort Function |
.rqr |
Require a package |
react Snippets
Prefix |
Method |
imp→ |
import moduleName from 'module' |
imn→ |
import 'module' |
imd→ |
import { destructuredModule } from 'module' |
ime→ |
import * as alias from 'module' |
ima→ |
import { originalName as aliasName} from 'module' |
exp→ |
export default moduleName |
exd→ |
export { destructuredModule } from 'module' |
exa→ |
export { originalName as aliasName} from 'module' |
enf→ |
export const functionName = (params) => { } |
edf→ |
export default (params) => { } |
ednf→ |
export default function functionName(params) { } |
met→ |
methodName = (params) => { } |
fre→ |
arrayName.forEach(element => { } |
fof→ |
for(let itemName of objectName { } |
fin→ |
for(let itemName in objectName { } |
anfn→ |
(params) => { } |
nfn→ |
const functionName = (params) => { } |
dob→ |
const {propName} = objectToDescruct |
dar→ |
const [propName] = arrayToDescruct |
sti→ |
setInterval(() => { }, intervalTime |
sto→ |
setTimeout(() => { }, delayTime |
prom→ |
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { } |
cmmb→ |
comment block |
cp→ |
const { } = this.props |
cs→ |
const { } = this.state |
Prefix |
Method |
imr→ |
import React from 'react' |
imrd→ |
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom' |
imrc→ |
import React, { Component } from 'react' |
imrcp→ |
import React, { Component } from 'react' & import PropTypes from 'prop-types' |
imrpc→ |
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react' |
imrpcp→ |
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react' & import PropTypes from 'prop-types' |
imrm→ |
import React, { memo } from 'react' |
imrmp→ |
import React, { memo } from 'react' & import PropTypes from 'prop-types' |
impt→ |
import PropTypes from 'prop-types' |
imrr→ |
import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, NavLink} from 'react-router-dom' |
imbr→ |
import { BrowserRouter as Router} from 'react-router-dom' |
imbrc→ |
import { Route, Switch, NavLink, Link } from react-router-dom' |
imbrr→ |
import { Route } from 'react-router-dom' |
imbrs→ |
import { Switch } from 'react-router-dom' |
imbrl→ |
import { Link } from 'react-router-dom' |
imbrnl→ |
import { NavLink } from 'react-router-dom' |
imrs→ |
import React, { useState } from 'react' |
imrse→ |
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react' |
redux→ |
import { connect } from 'react-redux' |
rconst→ |
constructor(props) with this.state |
rconc→ |
constructor(props, context) with this.state |
est→ |
this.state = { } |
cwm→ |
componentWillMount = () => { } DEPRECATED!!! |
cdm→ |
componentDidMount = () => { } |
cwr→ |
componentWillReceiveProps = (nextProps) => { } DEPRECATED!!! |
scu→ |
shouldComponentUpdate = (nextProps, nextState) => { } |
cwup→ |
componentWillUpdate = (nextProps, nextState) => { } DEPRECATED!!! |
cdup→ |
componentDidUpdate = (prevProps, prevState) => { } |
cwun→ |
componentWillUnmount = () => { } |
gdsfp→ |
static getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps, prevState) { } |
gsbu→ |
getSnapshotBeforeUpdate = (prevProps, prevState) => { } |
ren→ |
render() { return( ) } |
sst→ |
this.setState({ }) |
ssf→ |
this.setState((state, props) => return { }) |
props→ |
this.props.propName |
state→ |
this.state.stateName |
rcontext→ |
const ${1:contextName} = React.createContext() |
cref→ |
this.${1:refName}Ref = React.createRef() |
fref→ |
const ref = React.createRef() |
bnd→ |
this.methodName = this.methodName.bind(this) |
React Hooks
Prefix |
Method |
rch→ |
import { $1 } from 'react-native' |
React Native
Prefix |
Method |
imrn→ |
import { $1 } from 'react-native' |
rnstyle→ |
const styles = StyleSheet.create({}) |
Prefix |
Method |
rxaction→ |
redux action template |
rxconst→ |
export const $1 = '$1' |
rxreducer→ |
redux reducer template |
rxselect→ |
redux selector template |
rxslice→ |
redux slice template |
Prefix |
Method |
pta→ |
PropTypes.array |
ptar→ |
PropTypes.array.isRequired |
ptb→ |
PropTypes.bool |
ptbr→ |
PropTypes.bool.isRequired |
ptf→ |
PropTypes.func |
ptfr→ |
PropTypes.func.isRequired |
ptn→ |
PropTypes.number |
ptnr→ |
PropTypes.number.isRequired |
pto→ |
PropTypes.object |
ptor→ |
PropTypes.object.isRequired |
pts→ |
PropTypes.string |
ptsr→ |
PropTypes.string.isRequired |
ptnd→ |
PropTypes.node |
ptndr→ |
PropTypes.node.isRequired |
ptel→ |
PropTypes.element |
ptelr→ |
PropTypes.element.isRequired |
pti→ |
PropTypes.instanceOf(name) |
ptir→ |
PropTypes.instanceOf(name).isRequired |
pte→ |
PropTypes.oneOf([name]) |
pter→ |
PropTypes.oneOf([name]).isRequired |
ptet→ |
PropTypes.oneOfType([name]) |
ptetr→ |
PropTypes.oneOfType([name]).isRequired |
ptao→ |
PropTypes.arrayOf(name) |
ptaor→ |
PropTypes.arrayOf(name).isRequired |
ptoo→ |
PropTypes.objectOf(name) |
ptoor→ |
PropTypes.objectOf(name).isRequired |
ptsh→ |
PropTypes.shape({ }) |
ptshr→ |
PropTypes.shape({ }).isRequired |
ptany→ |
PropTypes.any |
ptypes→ |
static propTypes = {} |
Prefix |
Method |
graphql→ |
import { compose, graphql } from react-apollo' |
expgql-> |
export default compose(graphql($1, { name: $2 }))($3) |
Prefix |
Method |
clg→ |
console.log(object) |
clo→ |
console.log(`object`, object) |
clj→ |
console.log(`object`, JSON.stringify(object, null, 2)) |
ctm→ |
console.time(`timeId`) |
cte→ |
console.timeEnd(`timeId`) |
cas→ |
console.assert(expression,object) |
ccl→ |
console.clear() |
cco→ |
console.count(label) |
cdi→ |
console.dir |
cer→ |
console.error(object) |
cgr→ |
console.group(label) |
cge→ |
console.groupEnd() |
ctr→ |
console.trace(object) |
cwa→ |
console.warn |
cin→ |
console.info |
mongoDB Snippets
Type/No. |
Snippet |
Stands For |
Function |
Generic: |
1. |
!mdbc |
MongoDB Connect |
MongoDB connect on port 27017 |
2. |
!mdbgum |
MongoDB Generate User Model |
Generate typical user model |
3. |
!mdba |
MongoDB Aggregate |
Model.aggregate query |
4. |
!mdbcd |
MongoDB CountDocuments |
Model.countDocuments query |
5. |
!mdbmr |
MongoDB MapReduce |
Model.mapReduce query |
6. |
!mdbp |
MongoDB Populate |
Model.populate query |
7. |
!mdbbw |
MongoDB BulkWrite |
Model.bulkWrite query |
Create/Insert: |
1. |
!mdbcr |
MongoDB Create |
Model.create query |
2. |
!mdbcc |
MongoDB CreateCollection |
Model.createCollection query |
3. |
!mdbim |
MongoDB InsertMany |
Model.insertMany query |
Find: |
1. |
!mdbf |
MongoDB Find |
Model.find query |
2. |
!mdbfo |
MongoDB FindOne |
Model.findOne query |
3. |
!mdbfbi |
MongoDB FindById |
Model.findById query |
Replace: |
1. |
!mdbro |
MongoDB ReplaceOne |
Model.replaceOne query |
Update: |
1. |
!mdbfoau |
MongoDB FindOneAndUpdate |
Model.findOneAndUpdate query |
2. |
!mdbuo |
MongoDB UpdateOne |
Model.updateOne query |
3. |
!mdbum |
MongoDB UpdateMany |
Model.updateMany query |
Delete: |
1. |
!mdbfoad |
MongoDB FindOneAndDelete |
Model.findOneAndDelete query |
2. |
!mdbdo |
MongoDB DeleteOne |
Model.deleteOne query |
3. |
!mdbdm |
MongoDB DeleteMany |
Model.deleteMany query |
Methods and Statics: |
1. |
!mdbmethod |
MongoDB Methods |
schema.methods.function |
2. |
!mdbstatic |
MongoDB Statics |
schema.statics.function |
jest snipets
jest-suite , adds a test suite
jest-test , adds a test
jest-test-expect , adds a test with an expect
jest-expect , adds an expect, using toBe()
jest-expect-to-equal , adds expect, using toEqual()
jest-test-expect-to-equal , adds a test with an expect, using toEqual()
jest-expect-to-throw , adds an expect, using toThrow()
jest-test-expect-to-throw , adds a test with an expect, using toThrow() ,
jest-test-beforeAll , adds a beforeAll() , this method runs before all tests
jest-test-afterAll , adds a afterAll() , this method runs after all tests
supertest-init , adds the initial imports for supertest and the app you are about to test. I assume the app you are about to test looks something like this:
supertest-beforeall , configures supertest to use the app instance, this is a needed step to initialize supertest
supertest-aftereall , ensures the web app closes down after the test run, this is a needed step.
supertest-testget , an example of supertest testing a GET route
supertest-testgetwithparam , an example of supertest testing a GET route with a route parameter
supertest-testpost , an example of supertest testing a POST route with a payload
EJS Snippets
→ Denotes the TAB key.
Snippet→ |
Alternate |
Output |
ejs→ |
<% |
<% %> - No output tag |
ejsout→ |
<%= |
<%= %> - Outputs HTML value |
ejsesc→ |
<%- |
<%- %> - Outputs unescaped |
ejscom→ |
<%# |
<%# %> - Comment tag |
ejslit→ |
<%% |
<%% %> - Outputs Literal <% |
ejsinc→ |
<% |
include statement |
ejsfor→ |
<% |
for Javascript Loop |
ejseach→ |
<% |
forEach Javascript Loop |
ejsif→ |
<% |
if Statement with condition |
ejselif→ |
<% |
else if Statement - Middle section only. Assumes you have already written the first if statement. |
ejselse→ |
<% |
else Statement - Middle section only. Assumes you have already written the first if statement. |
hbs Snippets
Prefix |
Method |
hbs→ |
simple hbs syntax |
hif→ |
if condition |
helif→ |
if else condition |
heach→ |
each method |
hpar→ |
partial method |
hun→ |
unless method |
hcusfunc→ |
Custom Helper function |
hlog→ |
Hbs logger helper |
hlookup→ |
Hbs lookup helper |
hwi→ |
with condition |
| |