DazzleDazzle is a simple & opinionated color theme. It includes an official Visual Studio Code extension. AppreciationPlease ⭐︎ (star) our GitHub repository if you like the theme. This is very helpful for us to gauge interest. PaletteLight![]() Dark![]() CompatabilityTesting a color theme for all widely used programming languages, data structure formats and text formatting is a non-trivial effort, for this reason, we ask for your patience and understanding as we build out support. We may also choose not to pursue support for certain syntaxes. SupportCurrently Dazzle has been tested with following syntaxes.
ChangelogAll notable changes to this project will be documented in the CHANGELOG.md file. ContributionWe welcome contributions from the community! Please read our CONTRIBUTING.md file for guidelines on how to get started. LicenseThe original code in this repository is licensed under the MIT License © 2025 Modoterra Corporation. See the LICENSE.md file for details. |