vsc-ember-generator README
Ember component generator contextual menu
This extension adds options for generating Ember components and helpers to the contextual menu in the VS Code file explorer.
Commands invoked from the contextual menu will run the corresponding Ember CLI command:
component : ember g component (path + component name) {componentCommandOptions}
component (with-class) : ember g component (path + component name) {classComponentCommandOptions}
helper : ember g helper (path + helper name) {helperCommandOptions}
helper (class-based) : ember g helper (path + helper name) {classHelperCommandOptions}
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings:
emberGenerator.componentCommandOptions : command options used when selecting theEmber generate... > component option
emberGenerator.classComponentCommandOptions : command options used when selecting the Ember generate... > component (with class) option
emberGenerator.helperCommandOptions : command options used when selecting the Ember generate... > helper option
emberGenerator.classHelperCommandOptions : command options used when selecting the Ember generate... > helper (class-based) option
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