VSC plugin to switch NPM references between remote and local packagesYour comments are welcomed at the project root page https://mikeska.tech/posts/vsc-plugin-switch-local-remote-packages-npm Switch now references between remote and local packages with one-click easeWhen developing and debugging NPM packages, switching between local and remote reference has always been a big overhead. Now is all that possible with the one-click approach. This extension appears in the Activity bar of the Visual Studio Code. Just only thing you have to configure is the list of package names and its local path representation. The picture says it allHere is displayed the entire stack of the functionality
The configurationBefore the first use, you have to configure the actual libraries, which you want to get displayed.
Amount of re-runs of NPM install in case if one fails. (usually network error or a local process hanging on a file)
Ready to hear about possible improvementsIt's just been released, so gonna still a bit work on the design, but I am ready to hear some tips on how to improve and be glad for every bug reported. May the plugin be with you! |