CatFriend is a simple extension to add Python packages that are normally packaged with ROS Catkin to Pylance's search path.
The extension will walk all the directories in a specified workspace and add any src folder to the Python path that is found in a directory also containing a file.
Setup your workspace path by editing your VS Code setting.json --> bring up the command palette with ctrl + shift + p, select Preferences: Open User Settings (JSON), and add: "catfriend.workspacePath": "path/to/my/workspace" to the file.
Scan the workspace by running the command CatFriend: Scan Workspace for Python Modules (use ctrl + shift + p to bring up the command palette), or configure CatFriend to scan automatically when VS Code launches by adding "catfriend.autoRunOnStartup": true to settings.json.
Extension Settings
catfriend.workspacePath: Your Catkin workspace path (i.e. the root directory to be walked).
catfriend.autoRunOnStartup: If True, CatFriend will search the workspace automatically on VS Code startup. Default is False