Checkpoints used in between commits for keeping a local short-term history of work in progress, like bookmarks in you undo-stack.
Add a checkpoint of the files current state by running the command Add Checkpoint (ctrl+alt+s).
Diff the current version of a file with a checkpoint.
Restore the file to the working state of a previous checkpoint.
Extension Settings
checkpoints.location: Select where to show the checkpoints panel, the Explorer or Source Control.
checkpoints.showActiveFileOnly: Determines if only the active file should be visible in the tree explorer or not.
checkpoints.autoOpenFile: Determines whether selecting a file in the tree explorer will automatically open the document.
checkpoints.autoSelectFile: Determines whether a file item in the tree explorer will automatically expand/collapse when moving between files.
checkpoints.askForCheckpointName: Show a text input dialog when adding a new checkpoint to specify the checkpoint name. If disabled, the date-time value will be used.
checkpoints.addCheckpointOnSave: Determines whether to create a new checkpoint when the file is saved. Recommended to disable askForCheckpointName when this setting is enabled.
checkpoints.locale: Specifies the date-time locale used for the default checkpoint names.
Known Issues
Does not support untitled (unsaved) files.
Limited support for some checkpoint commands if files are moved/renamed.