Coco/R Syntax Highlighting - VS Code
The Compile Generator Coco/R syntax highlighting package for Visual Studio Code editor for Java, C# and C++ ports.
- Your file should end with
.java.atg if you want to use the Java syntax highlighting
- Your file should end with
.cs.atg if you want to use the C# syntax highlighting
- Your file should end with
.cpp.atg if you want to use the C++ syntax highlighting
- Wrap the domain port code there was written in your ATG file between the
//#domain and //#enddomain lines
The language files were taken from mschoebel' Coco/R syntax highlighter plugin for Sublime Text.
- Clone the repository -
git clone
npm install
- Open it in VSCode
- Go to the debugging section and run the laungh program "Launch Extension"
- This will open another VSCode window with the extension enabled
- Create a new file with a file name suffix matching your language (eg:
.java.atg )
- Verify that syntax highlight works and that the language configuration settings are working
- Make changes to
syntaxes/* file and reload the VSC window to load the changes
Copyright Notes
Copyright (c) 2012, Michael Schoebel
All rights reserved for the TextMate grammars.
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