Terraform-CompleterThis extension provides basic autocomplete for Terraform modules. It is a fork of erd0s' terraform-autocomplete extension but instead of autocompleting resources, it autocompletes inputs and outputs for modules in addition to updating some of the code to work with Terraform >0.12. Much like the original Terraform Autocomplete, this extension is very beta and may end up becoming obsolete by the time Terraform's official VS Code extension matures. However, it may help to provide a solution while we wait for more feature-rich autocomplete support in VS Code for Terraform. Companion extensionsPair this extension with the official Terraform VS Code extension to provide syntax highlighting and some autocomplete for resources. FeaturesThe extension for the time being only works for modules hosted in the Terraform registry. There is support for public and private modules by utilizing the APIs provided by Hashicorp. To take advantage of modules hosted in private registries, log in to your account by running Autocomplete module inputs Autocomplete module outputs Module readme on source hover Snippet for adding required inputs Known Issues
Release NotesSee the changelog for more info. |