npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-azuresfmesh
Open the VS Code application.
Click on the extension icon in the explorer. Search for Service Fabric. Click install for the Service Fabric Mesh extension.
The Service Fabric Mesh extension for VS Code helps developers to create and deploy Service Fabric Mesh projects using many commands. Commands can be called pressing (Ctrl + Shift + p), typing the command name into the input bar, and selecting the desired command for the prompt list.
Service Fabric Mesh: Create Application (the command creates the mesh template and deployment profile)
Service Fabric Mesh: Add Service (the command adds a new service to an existing Service Fabric Mesh application)
Service Fabric Mesh: Generate deployment profile (from template file or uri)
Service Fabric Mesh: Login
Service Fabric Mesh: Deploy To Azure (the command creates the resource group if needed)
Service Fabric Mesh: List the deployed applications
Service Fabric Mesh: List the deployed networks
Service Fabric Mesh: List the services of an Application
Deployment profile
The deployment profile (deploy/deployment.json) can be created with the application Service Fabric Mesh: Create Application or with the standalone command Service Fabric Mesh: Generate deployment profile.
The default generated parameters can be overrided with the extension configuration (see 'Configuration' chapter).
Once generated, the deployment parameters can be changed (subscriptionId, resourceGroup, etc.) before using the Service Fabric Mesh: Deploy To Azure command.
Set config sf-mesh-tools.defaultSubscriptionId to fill deployment profile automatically
Set config sf-mesh-tools.defaultResourceGroup to fill deployment profile automatically
Set config sf-mesh-tools.defaultTemplateUri to fill deployment profile automatically
Set config sf-mesh-tools.defaultTemplateFile to fill deployment profile automatically
Set config sf-mesh-tools.defaultParameters to fill deployment profile automatically